miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Jocs de Falda Cavalcar: Smooth road to London Town (ang)

A smooth road to London town [una llisa carretera cap a la ciitat de Londres]
A smooth road to London town
The road goes up [la carretera puja]
And the road goes down[la carretera baixa]
A smooth road to London town 

But… by and by we come to a dell
and there the roads are not so swell [però allà la carretera no està tan bé]
A bumpy road, a bumpy road [una carretera desigual]
A bumpy road to London town.

A smooth road to London town
A smooth road to London town
The road goes up
And the road goes down
A smooth road to London town

But… by and by we come to a wood
and there the roads are not so good
A rough road, a rough road [una aspre carretera]
A rough road to London town.

Descripció: anar cavalcant el nen a la falda (bounce child gently on lap) i quan diu ...
- "the road goes up": aixecar el nen a l'aire (lift child up in the air)
- "the road goes down": torna a posar el nen a la falda o al terra (bring child back down to lap)
- En el parragaf que comença  "by anb by we come to a dell..." o "by and by we come to a wook...": fer cavalcar el nen més ràpid i com si passes sots (bounce child a little faster and bumpier)

Hi ha una versió de Kathy Reid Naiman en l'àlbum "A smooth road to London Town"

Font: Pasadena Public Library

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