martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Jocs de Falda: All I want are hugs (ang)

All I want are hugs from you [tot el que vull són abraçades de vostè]
Hugs to last the whole day throigh [abraçades per tot el dia]
Hugs just make me feel so good [abraçades que em fan sentir bé]
so hug me, hug me, hug me, [per tant abraça'm abraça'm abraça'm]
Give me lots of hugs today, [dóna'm un munt d'abraçades avui]
Hugs to chase the blues away
Hugs to last the whole day through [abraçades per durar tot el dia]
Just hug me, hug me, hug me [sols abraça'm abraça'm]

Descripció: cada vegada que diu "hug" fer una abraçada (hold your little one in your arms and give a gentle hug every time you say the word "hug")

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