lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Jocs de Falda Dits: Open shut them (ang)

Open, shut them [ obrir-los i tancar-los ]
Open, shut them,
Give a little clap
[ donar un petit aplaudiment ]

Open, shut them

Open, shut them.
Place them in your lap
[col.loca'ls a la teva falda ]

Creep them, creep them [ arrosseguu-los, arrosegueu-los ]

Creep them, creep them.
Right up to your chin.
[ a la vora del mentó] 
Open wide your little mouth,[ obre-la la teva petita boca ]
But do not let them in!
[però no permet que entrin ]

Roll them, roll them [roda'ls roda'ls ]

roll them, roll them,
roll them just like this [roda'ls així ]

shake them shake them [agiteu-los ]

shake them shake them
blow a little kiss [bufa un petit petó]

2ona versió:

Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open, shut them
Open, shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.

Wave them, wave them,
Wave them, wave them,
High up in the sky, sky, sky.

Wave to me, I'll wave to you,
Let's all say "Bye, bye.

Descripció:  Obre (open) i tanca (shut) les mans i piques de mans (clap). Després posa -les sobre la falda (lap).Arrosegua-les (creep) fins a la barbeta (chin), obre la teva ample boca (mouth) però no ho permetis (amaga les mans darrera l'esquena), enrolla-les (roll), sacseja (shake) i bufa (blew) un petit petó (kiss)

En la segona versió: Mou-les (wave), molt alt cap al cel (high up in the sky), direm adéu.

 Hi ha una versió "Open shut them" de The Kiboomers en l'àlbum Top 30 baby songs.

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